Innermost feelings

Seeking out by Force,
Vills of desert and Race,
Black and white of fun,
Moon, Stars, Planets and sun,
Noise of the loudspeaker,
Wiser are ready for seeker,
The best thing and visable,
Golden gate and silver cable,
Net loss for the good work,
Profit margin is as the brok,
Artists of wave, 
late in life but heart for save,
Playing with nibs,
Same in the life Curley ribs.
Mom! Meets you in the heaven,
Discuss all issues two or seven,
I, nothing as dirt of your foot,
Prayer to all for sin uproot,
Pleases, think about poor son,
No doubt, i bad but your hon,
Dreamed, that house without,
Door, window as the dout.
Friends of huamns, friends are kind.
Golden wings and chain, ready to bind.
Carefully we men are, need and deserve.
Covering with humble and love to persevere.
Wish we happy and Joyful we my all.
Enable to see, construct concrete wall.
Lone Owais Ahmad


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