Midnight Poem

Seeking out by Force,
Vills of desert and Race,
Black and white of fun,
Moon, Stars, Planets and sun,
Noise of the loudspeaker,
Wiser are ready for seeker,
The best thing and visable,
Golden gate and silver cable,
Net loss for the good work,
Profit margin is as the brok,
From war to peace,From dark to white
Teaching with love , Respect and wisdom site
Provide honor to widows 
Love of love great flow's
Knowing all divine things 
And angle power of wings
Sun of shady world
Old mountaina fold
Life as the Ring 
Fly with gold wing
Sunshine and dew
Such seance few
Unfortunately for lost
Fortune for the cost
Lucky am i by God
By man me where cod
Same eyes by i seek 
Will be rise to peak
Scorned by head oh! man
Seek out teasers how can
You will be first think
Happiness lastly sunk
#ovilone #loneovii


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